In Madrid with the 43 partners of the EU H2020 GATEKEEPER project, we begun a 3.5 years ambitious journey on innovating the landscape of the healthcare digital technologies. Among the 9 pilot sites, Milton Keynes will host the UK Pilot addressing the challenge of supporting informal care in our communities.
1st Open Call for Technological Partners
The GATEKEEPER 1st Open Call is now open!
GATEKEEPER is offering the opportunity to third parties to contribute to the development and sustainability of the project, working in a European environment and getting financial support.
The GATEKEEPER project is an EU-funded initiative under the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme. Its main objective is to create a GATEKEEPER that connects healthcare providers, businesses, entrepreneurs, elderly citizens and the communities they live in. This connection between stakeholders will promote an open, trust-based arena for matching ideas, technologies, user needs and processes, aimed at ensuring healthier independent lives for older adults.
Relevant information:
- Aim: actively engage new technological members in the GATEKEEPER Ecosystem, supplying new Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data applications, tools or components which will be incorporated into the Gatekeeper portfolio and offered to pilots and platform designers and developers.
- Target: start-ups, SMEs, Midcaps, Industries and Research technology organisations
- Budget: 600,000€, with a maximum of 10 projects funded
- Deadline: 29/01/2021
- Project duration: 12 months
For more information: